Welcome to Online Licence Services

About Online Licence Services

What is the "Online Licence Services"?

The "Online Licence Services" provides a platform for licence applicants to submit applications, follow up on the applications, check the application status and make payment through the Internet.

What is the scope of the "Online Licence Services"?

You can access the "Online Licence Services" website to submit various applications for Liquor Licence and Club Liquor Licence and check the status of your application for premises-related licences for food business, liquor selling/supplying premises, clubhouse, hotel, guesthouse, etc.

Licence Application

The Liquor Licensing Board (LLB), a statutory body established under the Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations who is responsible for the licensing of premises used for the sale or supply of liquor for consumption on the premises, has given consents to accept applications and documents in form of electronic records.

Through the "Online Licence Services" website, applicant can complete the application form in respect of Liquor Licence/Club Liquor Licence online, sign on the form with digital signatures or a password assigned or approved by Liquor Licensing Board and submit it to the respective Liquor Licensing Office. After submission, applicant can also follow up with the application and check the status of the application through the website.

If you would like to submit completed application form to Licensing Offices in person or by post, the system allows applicants to prepare the applications online through your user accounts. To complete the application process, you must print and sign on the completed application form before submission to Licensing Offices together with supporting documents to the Licensing Offices in person or by post within 30 calendar days. On receipt of the duly signed form, the Licensing Office will start to process the application.

To know the detailed application procedures and requirements for various liquor licence applications, please read "A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences" before making an application.

Application Tracking

Applicant can use the login name and password to log onto the system to check the status of your application for the following licences and permission:

Food and Environmental Hygiene Department

  • General Restaurant Licence
  • Light Refreshment Restaurant Licence
  • Marine Restaurant Licence
  • Food Factory Licence
  • Bakery Licence
  • Factory Canteen Licence
  • Frozen Confection Factory Licence
  • Fresh Provision Shop Licence
  • Milk Factory Licence
  • Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence
  • Cold Store Licence
  • Composite Food Shop Licence
  • Outside Seating Accommodation Permission
  • Places of Public Entertainment Licence for Places Other Than Cinemas and Theatres
  • Places of Public Entertainment Licence (Cinema/Theatre)
  • Swimming Pool Licence

Home Affairs Department

  • Clubhouse Certificate of Compliance
  • Hotel / Guesthouse Licence
  • Karaoke Establishment Licence / Permit
  • Bedspace Apartment Licence

Liquor Licensing Board

  • Liquor Licence
  • Club Liquor Licence

Who can access the "Online Licence Services"?

For security reason, personalised online services are provided to users with accounts only. If you are an applicant of new issue or transfer of liquor licence but do not have an account, please provide your personal information and create your account online. If you are a liquor licence holder, please login with the account given to you for making applications in connection with your existing licence. If you are an "iAMSmart" user, your single digital identity will enable simple sign up and secure login to the "Online Licence Services".

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